Legal technology has always been vital to law firms, it has become incredibly significant in the last two years as law offices around the country have sought inventive and long-term solutions to the pandemic’s abrupt transition to remote working. Legal technology, also known as “LegalTech,” is a word that is now widely used. Nothing but […]
What is Trending in 2022 for Contract Management – TLB’s Insights!

The year 2022 truly was a redemptive year for the world and every single individual wants to look upward from here on. Consumer demands have changed to keep up with the brand-new pace and there has been a paradigm shift in businesses. The digital space has conquered the markets and it is no different for […]
The UK Immigration Poised for Changes for Better!

If one plans to move to the UK, then there is a great news! The UK government has planned to make several changes to its travel and immigration policies. They have issued a statement as regards the new immigration rules that will be implemented as part of their ‘Plan for Growth’ measures. These will happen […]
TLB Case Study : M&A Outlook and Trends for 2022

Phases of Contract Lifecycle Management Process

The Legal Base – Analysis Contract Management is a continuous process wherein the contract managers are responsible to streamline the lifecycle of a contract from beginning till the cessation of the contracts. Their core responsibility is to ensure that the contract is just not created but every step in between is adhered to till the […]
Worker’s Compensation Cases : The TLB Approach

Worker’s Compensation has always been the highlight of personal injury cases in the US. All kinds of jobs need respect and workers the dignity that they deserve. However, there are many jobs that are either extremely dangerous or awfully dirty. When we see them, we do thank workers for doing those type of work so […]
Accounting and Bookkeeping Challenges Faced By Law Firms

One of the biggest challenges that the law firms face when they establish their law offices is with bookkeeping and accounting. If the bookkeeping is done poorly, a law firm can incur huge financial losses leading to sometimes even shutting down the office. Having a trained set of staff that have a habit of managing […]
Are you a Defence Law Firm seeking assistance with Medical Summaries?

Whilst medical summaries are mostly required by the plaintiffs’ firms, defense law firms have a different type of requirement when they write a medical summary. TLB’s medicolegal legal team has a skilled subgroup that is exclusively trained on writing medical summaries for the US and UK defense law firms. This subgroup has worked with the […]
Privilege Logs – A crucial litigation document for law firms

Privilege Log is a litigation document wherein certain documents are withheld from Disclosure in accordance with C.R.C.P. 26(b) (3) and 26(b) (5). As the Privilege logs are filed directly in the Court of Law, outsourcing them for faster turnaround of the records is being slowly considered as the top preference by the law firms. As […]
Personal Injury Cases – Initial Disclosures and Expert Disclosures

At TLB, we have a highly skilled and trained team of law graduates that help you organize, analyze and summarize your medical records. The team provides its services to personal injury law firms across US for niche assignments like Initial and Expert Disclosures Assignments. An expert witness can either help in winning your case or […]
File Summaries – An important step to successfully settle your case

The initial file review of a case is absolutely critical in bringing out the key issues of a case. Reviewing different forms and documents and putting together a summary will highlight the strongest points of your case. The case can be one that is related to personal injury, or immigration laws, or contract laws, or […]
Lawyers That Assist you with Personal Injury Case Cycle

While many ALSPs have understood the processes of a Personal Injury Life Cycle well, but not many organizations can assist you with end-to-end solutions that can reduce the workload for all your departments. TLB has teams that can provide support to you at every stage. Broadly the following are the stages of a PI Lifecycle […]
The top reasons why you should choose an Indian legal outsourcing partner

If we go back to the time when outsourcing of the legal services started, India was the chosen one for distinct reasons, which were more convenient than another. The earliest dates of outsourcing legal work to India had happened in the mid-nineties. The reason India was at an advantaged position was because of 1) low […]
Demand Letter Writing Services that give you Maximum Amount in the Settlement

The Legal Base (‘TLB”) team of professionals have written about 75K Demand Letters to date for small, mid and large law firms and for single attorneys. These letters are written in the formats provided by the law firms. The team is also well capable of creating a template for you that is the most accurate […]
Case Management Solutions for various practice areas in a focused manner by TLB

The Legal Base (“TLB”) offers complete Case Management Solutions from the beginning of a case. These solutions include secretarial, paralegal and legal services. The team is built on domain expertise in these areas of laws, and a very high-quality work is delivered. They constantly work on improving upon their skills through various courses and trainings. […]